The Higher Learning Ministry will recognize all high
school and college graduates on Sunday, August 1,
Our guest speaker will be the legendary
educational pioneer Dr. Delores Henderson. Dr.
Henderson is a retired educator, advocate and
founder/CEO of DELORES Works, a non-profit of
retired African American educators that serves
students across the Twin Cities.
All graduates should submit their name, school,
degree/certificate earned and future plans to
latanya_1913@yahoo.com by Friday, July 23. The
subject of the email should include Higher Learning
Recognition 2021.
We will also award up to $6000 in scholarships to
qualifying seniors graduating from high school. The
qualifications/requirements include minimally a 2.5
GPA on an official transcript, three letters of
recommendation and the completion of a compelling
All scholarship materials should be postmarked
and received by the church office by Friday, July 23.
Additional information is on our church website.
If you have any questions regarding our annual
celebration and recognition of graduates, please email
Dr. Latanya Daniels at latanya_1913@yahoo.com.
Thank you and congratulations!