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8:30 AM Sunday School/New Members
9:30 AM Divine Worship

12:00 PM & 7:00 PM Bible Study
6:00 PM New Members Classes
Church Hours
Office Hours
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Phone: 651.487.4092
Fax: 651.489.4339
North Campus
501 West Lawson Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55117

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Youth Ministry Hallelujah Glow Night

Shiloh MBC 501 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS The Shiloh Youth Ministry is once again hosting its HALLELUJAH GLOW NIGHT on Thursday, October 31st from 5:30 - 8:00 PM in the Gathering Center. There will be food, games, candy, prizes and much more for all of our youth; so parents, please bring your youth out to enjoy a safe evening of fun, food and fellowship! Please NO scary costumes! The Youth Ministry is also collecting candy and monetary donations for this event. Financial donations can be made on the "Giving" tab on the Shiloh Ministry One App.  Select Youth Ministry in the "Fund" dropdown box. Please place your candy donations in the bins in the Church vestibule after service TODAY and next Sunday. Any questions, please see the Youth Ministry staff.

Baptism/New Member Right Hand of Fellowship

Shiloh MBC 501 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

BAPTISM/NEW MEMBER RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP Baptism will be held on the First Saturday of the Month (unless otherwise indicated). 10:00 AM - Gathering Center CANDIDATES: PLEASE ARRIVE BY 9:00 AM NEW MEMBER RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP CEREMONY The Right Hand of Fellowship for all new members completing their New Member Orientation classes will follow Baptism. Please come out to be welcomed into the Shiloh Church Family!

Men Standing for Christ Choir Rehearsal

Shiloh MBC 501 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

MEN STANDING FOR CHRIST CONFERENCE “Rooted in the Foundation” (Job 14:7-9) Men’s Choir Rehearsals: Saturday, November 2 @ 12 Noon Saturday, November 9 immediately following Men’s Conference All Men of Shiloh are encouraged to participate! Questions?  Please see Rev. Brian McLaurin

Daylight Saving Time Ends

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS Sunday, November 3, 2024 2:00 AM Please remember to FALL BACK and set your clocks BACK ONE HOUR!

Election Day – GO VOTE!!

GO VOTE!!! Election Day – Tuesday, November 5, 2024 If you need a ride to your polling place on Election Day, please sign up at the Voter’s Registration table in the vestibule after service or contact the church office @ 651-487-4092. To Vote in Minnesota, you must be: - A U.S. citizen - At least 18 years old on Election Day - A resident of Minnesota for 20 days - Not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction - Not under a court order that revokes your right to vote Also remember you can: - Vote early in person (check your city for additional early voting locations) - Request a ballot online @ (ballots must be received by 8pm on Election Day to be counted) - Vote in person on Election Day (polls open at 7am; you can vote as long as you're in line by 8pm) - You can register to vote at your polling place on Election Day Questions? Visit for all election, polling, registration information and more details about changes to election laws. Please go out and exercise your right to vote!

Men Standing For Christ Annual Celebration

Shiloh MBC 501 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

MEN STANDING FOR CHRIST CONFERENCE “Rooted in the Foundation” (Job 14:7-9) November 9-10, 2024 MSFC Conference:  Saturday, November 9 @ 10 AM - 12 PM Shiloh Gathering Center (Men's Choir Rehearsal immediately following Conference) MSFC Annual Day:  Sunday, November 10 @ 9:30 AM Worship Service Guest Speaker:  Rev. Eddie Longstreet, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, West Point, MS Attire:  Black Suit, White Shirt Accent Color:  Purple Tie & Accessories Assessment:  $100 Men’s Choir Rehearsals: Saturday, November 2 @ 12 Noon Saturday, November 9 immediately following Men’s Conference All Men of Shiloh are encouraged to participate! Questions?  Please see Rev. Brian McLaurin

Veterans Day

VETERANS DAY OBSERVANCE Monday, November 11, 2024 For all those who have served and who are currently serving in the United States armed forces, Thank You for your Service!

Thanksgiving Basket Give-Away

Shiloh Outreach Center 560 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

THANKSGIVING BASKET GIVE-AWAY The Mission Ministry is committed to helping families in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. If you or someone you know, would like to receive a Thanksgiving food box, please provide your name and the number of members in your household, to the church office @ 651-487-4092 during normal business hours (Monday-Thursday). Sign-ups will be accepted through Tuesday, November 19 @ 12:00 Noon. THANKSGIVING BASKET DISTRIBUTION/PICK-UP: Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:00 - 4:00 PM Shiloh Outreach Center

Birthdays of the Month Celebration

Shiloh MBC 501 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

Celebrating Shiloh Birthdays!  The Birthday Club Ministry invites all Shiloh members with birthdays this month to a Birthday Celebration in the Gathering Center on the last Sunday of the month (unless otherwise indicated) after 9:30 AM Worship Service. Please RSVP TODAY by signing-up in the Vestibule after service or call the Church Office @ 651-487-4092. For additional information, please see a member of Birthday Club Ministry. Be Blessed, The Birthday Club Ministry

Church Office Closed – Thanksgiving Holiday

CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY The Shiloh Church Office will be CLOSED Wednesday - Friday, November 27 - 29, 2024 in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Give thanks to God for His many blessings!