Thanksgiving Holiday
Shiloh MBC 501 West Lawson Avenue, St. Paul, MNHAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thursday, November 26, 2020
8:30 AM Sunday School/New Members
9:30 AM Divine Worship
Phone: 651.487.4092
Fax: 651.489.4339
Email Us:
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thursday, November 26, 2020
BAPTISM/NEW MEMBER RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP Baptism for the month of December will be held Saturday, December 5, 2020 @ 10:00 A.M. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church Multipurpose Center CANDIDATES: PLEASE ARRIVE BY 9:00 AM NEW MEMBER RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP CEREMONY The Right Hand of Fellowship for all new members completing their New Member Orientation classes will follow Baptism. Please come out to be welcomed into the Shiloh Church Family!
DRIVE THRU COMMUNION To My Beloved Members and Friends, On Saturday, December 5th @ 12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m. - The Deacon Board, myself and others will be at the church handing out prefilled Communion cups (wafer and juice) as you drive thru – please stay in your vehicles and wear your masks. The Communion cups you receive on Saturday will be used on Sunday, December 6th as we come together for “Communion” in the sanctuary and via Livestream during 9:30 AM - Worship Service. The purpose of the drive-thru will be to give those members who are unable to attend in-person service the opportunity to receive Communion. However, all are welcome to pick up their Communion early even if attending church services. I am patiently looking forward to seeing you during our drive thru Communion pick-up on Saturday, December 5th. God Bless You All, Pastor Steve Daniels, Jr.
Women of the Word (WOW) "Let's Get Cooking" Virtual Fellowship Saturday, December 12, 2020 4 PM The WOW Staff cordially invites all women to please join us in our first virtual "Let’s Get Cooking" Session. The event will be on Saturday, December 12th @ 4pm. Please be sure that the church has your email address so we can send you the menu and necessary ingredients. We look forward to a great fellowship with you. Respectfully, Women of the Word Staff
YOUTH CHURCH IS BACK! The Youth Ministry is back and ready to see you on Sunday, December 13 @ 9:30 a.m. Multi-Purpose Center As we welcome you back with a HUGE smile from behind our masks, we will be taking the same precautions as the church – social distancing, mask required along with sanitizing our supplies. Youth Church will take place the 2nd Sunday of each month. WE CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU! For more information, please contact: Sis. Felita Barber and Minister Darrail Hughes
ATTENTION ALL MINISTRY LEADERS Please hold your 2021 Ministry Election of Officers and turn in election forms to the Church Office NO LATER than Sunday, December 13th You will receive an election form by email. As a reminder to Ministry Leaders, all programs and events must be approved by Pastor Daniels in advance. Request for events, bulletin announcements, follow-ups and especially Media Ministry services must be submitted to the Church Office before proceeding with your event planning.
REV. & Mrs. DANIELS’ CHRISTMAS Please show your love and appreciation for our beloved Pastor and First Lady during this Holiday Season. Please bring your Love Offering for the First Family on Sunday, December 13th During 9:30 AM Worship Service
To My Beloved Family and Friends, Matthew 25:35 “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.” I am asking you to Adopt-a-Family for Christmas. Please call the church office @ 651-487-4092 and You will be assigned a family to adopt with personal contact information. After you learn the specifics about your adopted family (family household include adults + children, ages, gender, etc.). At your discretion, you can donate a $100 minimum, but your donation depends on the size of your adopted family household. Donation deadline: Thursday, December 17th Your donation will help families at a critical time in their lives who might not have the resources to celebrate the holiday season. For your convenience, I have attached a sign-up sheet with more details. Thank you for your support. God Bless You All, Pastor Steve Daniels, Jr.,
CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED In Observance of the Christmas & New Years Holidays, the Shiloh Church Office will be CLOSED Friday, December 18, 2020 - Friday, January 1, 2021 The church office will reopen during regular office hours on Monday, January 4, 2021 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY!
COMMUNITY DRIVE THRU FOOD GIVE-AWAY Shiloh will be hosting a Community Drive Thru Food Give-Away on Friday, November 20 and Friday, December 18 at 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM each week. Please drive up to the Multi-Purpose Center garage area on the North side of the Church during the dates and times specified above. We ask that you stay in your vehicles and remember to wear your masks. Also, please call the Church Office if you would like to pick-up multiple food baskets during the Community Drive Thru Food Drive. Everyone is welcome! Be Blessed, Pastor Steve Daniels, Jr.